Mksii bnyakk kaliann yg udh jdi temen aku disni, beruntung bngt aku download aplikasi ini hhaa. Bahkan kontak WA temen pun kebanyakan dri apk ini sampe 70+😄. Karna aku di dunia nyata gk terlalu punya bnyk temen, aku seneng bngtt disini ktmu bnyk org yg mau jdi tmn aku hhee. Eh ternyata asik jg, ktemu bnyak org² baik jg, ktemu org² random yg tingkah nya aneh tpi asik, ada yg sfrekuensi jg, ktmu wibu², pknya asik bngtt.

Thanks for any advice, input, and experiences anyone has to offer.Awalnya iseng² download aplikasi ini cuman gara² pngen punya temen org Jepang, padahal mah gk bisa bahasa Jepang juga😆, gk terlalu berekspetasi jg si, karna emng niat nya cmn iseng doang penasaran. If I take the plunge, will I be a satisfied user a few months down the road? I'm very much an advocate of independent gaming, but $25 is a bit on the high end of what I'm willing to pay for such programs these days. Is VS good for this? I saw a small selection of historical craft, but no specifically historical scenery.Īlso, has the community pretty much died off, or are there still active modders/builders out there? While I'll likely spend some time sailing around the Great Lakes, New England, and the Caribbean in a modern sailboat, I'm chiefly interested in historical sailing ships and would like as immersive an experience as possible when doing so. The list of downloadable ships on their site seems quite small, and the area list (while more impressive than the ship-list) seems like it could stand to be a bit more robust.

It seems like there's not a whole lot of user-created content out there, though. Parts of it seem very well thought out (navigational stuff, wind/waves, etc.). I'm trying to decide if the program itself is worth the cost. And the boats in the demo handle nicely enough, although the demo timer's too short to really take them anywhere. The graphics look ancient in screenshots, but not too terrible in game. I can't imagine that he's the only VS user around these parts. Then I saw a VS-related link in some of Pieter's stuff just yesterday, and I figured that it was about time to check it out. I learned about this sim quite a long while ago, but never seriously looked into it. I've been checking out the Virtual Sailor demo, and was wondering if anyone else around here uses it regularly and is willing to give their impressions.